WHO Poll

cup of tea 2:15 Thu Mar 5
The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign

Leaving aside all of the arguments on here and also who you support/do not support etc who DO YOU think will win the GE?

Unless something major happens in terms of a major swing to one party we are likely to have another hung parliament are we not?

Will Cameron hold on? Will the Lib Dems remain with the Cons to form another coalition? Will Labour win enough to form a minority govt or enough to go in to coalition with someone, maybe the SNP?

I think it is quite open and if Labout had a stronger leader I would say that had a chance of a MAJORITY but as it stands I can see the result being "as you were" CON/LB

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

alphaharps 10:34 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
“@Independent: Bank of England slashes UK econ growth prediction http://t.co/WC3JcHEeF0 http://t.co/LKCld9QTWd”

After8 10:01 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
Carswell is doing the right thing.

After8 10:01 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
Carswell is doing the right thing.

Prometheus50 8:28 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign

Yes I like him

, 6:24 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
He seems a thoroughly good egg, as such quite out of place in the present UKIP, and his refusal to take any of the £650,000 parliamentary grant has upset those within the party.

Prometheus50 6:20 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign

if Carswell wants to return to the Conservatives, he'll need to tow the line on the EU insofar as supporting the proposal for a referendum even if he would vote in favour of an exit

, 6:14 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
Non confrontational pact? Carswell is more Tory than most of the present parliamentary party. He will consistently vote with fellow Tories throughout this Parliament.

Prometheus50 5:23 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
Only a matter of time before Douglas Carswell resigns from UKIP and sits out this term as an independent with a non confrontation pact with the government

He'll then be re elected as a Conservative in 2020

After8 4:56 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
Remarkable isn't it Kronic? They're meant to be the people a army and not a bunch of politicians.

The Kronic 4:34 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
UKIP fanboys are very quiet.

Eddie B 9:31 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
That 20 year old who beat one of the Alexander twins, it wasn't too much of a shock to find out she's a rug muncher.

After8 9:21 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
There's a certain type of gay which is always chippy therefore fits in well in the snp.

Eddie B 9:19 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
How come the SNP have such a high percentage of MP's who are BLT? And the leader of the Scottish tories is a doughnut bumper too.

After8 9:17 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
Poor old daily mail.

ted fenton 8:49 Thu May 14
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
Westminster becomes the world's gayest Parliament: Commons now has 32 openly gay, lesbian and bisexual MPs - compared to only 10 in Holland
There are 13 Conservative, 12 Labour and six SNP MPs who are openly gay
In the last Parliament there were 26 gay, lesbian and bisexual members
Study also concluded there were 155 election candidates who were gay


Fifth Column 5:03 Wed May 13
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
LoL Hermit. I'm not the leader of the Labour Party and nor do I speak for the Labour Party.

I believe in the right to strike.

At the same time, if I strongly support a strike or am opposed to it then I would vote in a strike ballot. I can't understand why anyone would not vote. Given how serious the impact of strikes can be on the economy and on society, I think it's arguable that 50% of members should vote for a strike vote to go ahead.

Also, I believe voting in elections should be compulsory like in Australia (with the option to vote "none of the above" or to spoil one's ballot).

Hermit Road 4:51 Wed May 13
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
Why is abstaining assumed to be a vote against.

Spandex Sidney 4:28 Wed May 13
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
Can't say I have read the whole of this but there is a difference in voting in an election for local or national representatives and for voting whether to take strike action.

In theory, no one could vote in a GE and I have no idea what the constitutional position is regarding that. However the country would still need to be run and administered.

In a vote for strike action you potentially deprive workers of pay (they of course can choose to work through a strike, no matter how unpalatable that may be for some) and you deprive an organisation of being able to function.

I believe that withdrawal of labour is a valid position, as a last resort, but you should require a simple majority of those eligible to vote as you choose whether to join a union so if you choose not to vote that's a valid absentionist position and should be reflected in the outcome.

Hermit Road 4:16 Wed May 13
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
Fifth, that you as a labour party member is unsure about whether he shouldn't support this law shows how far removed he Labour party is from what it should be. It is just a brand now, to be elected at all costs.

Fifth Column 3:16 Wed May 13
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
There are elections for Council, European elections and even Police Commissioner elections.

They frequently have turnout below 50% of the electorate. And no, I would not see the winners then as lacking a mandate. People choose to stay at home it's up to them.

I'm not sure whether to support this legislation or not. However, the idea that if less than 50% of a potential electorate vote then the vote would be perceived as invalid or lacking a mandate... it's a weak argument.

Hermit Road 3:08 Wed May 13
Re: The 2015 General Election - Miliband, Clegg and Farage resign
Passerby66 2:01 Wed May 13
Re: The 2015 General Election

I agree.

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